Role of Document Control Person in Infrastructural Projects in Canada

The land of Maple Leaf, Canada is home to many opportunities for people looking for a career. There are many opportunities that people can explore that include infrastructural projects. There are several different job opportunities within the infrastructural projects in Canada and job seekers must look into the details.

What Are Infrastructural Projects?

Infrastructural projects are projects that focus on the different developmental programs including the maintenance of different facilities and systems in a public avenue. These projects are usually funded by governmental entities but there are some instances where they are also funded by both government and private sectors. Infrastructure projects include roadways, bridges, light rail and more.

These infrastructure projects are going to stay relevant for as long as time. This makes it a very lucrative field for job seekers to explore. One of the most common options is the position of a document controller. If you are interested in the position, you must explore who a document controller is and what their responsibilities include.

What Is The Role Of A Document Controller?

To put it simply a document controller is someone who maintains all the documents of a certain project. They are usually responsible to ensure that the information they store and distribute is highly accurate.

You can find these document controllers in many different places, including infrastructural projects. In construction projects, the job of a document controller includes the safekeeping of both digital and hard copy documents. Other than that, there are plenty of responsibilities, document controllers need to own up to.

Responsibilities Of A Document Controller

·      The responsibilities of a document controller begin with first copying or scanning the necessary documents. The document controller makes copies of a document to keep it safely with them. Once they have copies, they store the documents safely and in a systematic way.

·      Document controllers do not just keep the documents safe or make copies, but they also review them for any errors. These controllers check each document for the accuracy of the statements or figures written in the document.

·      Documents in the world of construction need to be regularly reviewed or updated, and document controllers take care of that. If there are any manuals, the document controller will review all of them and make the necessary updates.

·      The distribution of documents is also in the hands of the document controller, they are responsible for sending them out to the internal teams.

·      If any employee or client wishes to have access to any files, they are to first contact the document controller and they will retrieve the files for them.

·      The document controller is required to keep confidential information confidential so that there are no leaks of important details of the company.

·      These experts also draft reports every now and then regarding different projects if they are required by the higher-ups.

What Does It Take To Be A Document Controller In Canada ?

If you wish to be a document controller, there are some skills and requirements that you must possess such as experience. If you have experience working as a document controller, then you will be more than preferred to have the position.

Other than experience, you must possess MS Office and MS Excel skills with the addition of typing and editing. A good document controller must excel at organization and must have an understanding of Electronic Document Management Systems. The educations requirements require a basic BSc Degree in project management or higher.

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Sunny Dhunna