Revision Management

- Hard revisions
- Soft revisions
- Concurrent Revisions
Document Revision Number is represented by a single alpha or double numeric fieldtoidentifythecurrentrevisionofthedocumentordrawing.Therevision field could also be alphanumeric in certain circumstances.
Therevisionwillbeincrementedwhentherehavebeenchangestothe document, and the issued status will be altered accordingly.
Sunny Dhunna has worked with hard revisions. Ahardrevisionnumberwillbeassignedasnumericdigitsstartingat0.Thesewillbe used for approved issues. (Issued for Use, Issued for Construction, Issued for Information, or any other final documents).
If a technical document was issued for use (construction) with revision 0, the intermediaterevision0Ashallbe assignedtothedocument.Thenextavailablenumeric revision shall be used when the document is readyto be issuedfor useor construction. In this case, it will be revision 1.
Thelatestrevisionstatusshallalwaysbewritteninthetoprow,Amaximumofthree(3) numeric revisions (0,1,2) shall be listed. The revision from the bottom row shall be removed. The alpha revision shall be removed once review and approval is completed.
Only Top three revision will be kept on cover page
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- Vancouver, Canada