Document Control

Sunny Dhunna has 13+ years of experience in Document Management
Download and Upload the Files
- Sunny Dhunna has experience in Downloading Electronic files to the network and preparing files for uploading into an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS).
- Sunny Dhunna has completed quality checks, based on defined Document Control criteria, of documents and Drawings received from sub-contractors
- Sunny Dhunna has downloaded, filed, logged, and printed drawings and prepared documents for eventual offsite storage.
Quality Check and Quality Assurance
- Sunny Dhunna has Performed quality assurance (QA/QC) for all outgoing and incoming controlled documentation.
Administrating EDMS (Electronic Document Management System)
- Sunny Dhunna has Administered Electronic Document Management System and scanned documents for electronic filing.
- Sunny Dhunna has Managed the number, revision, and document requests facilitating the flow of information between internal and external business units.
EDMS Access
Sunny Dhunna have Full understanding for User & Admin Access , for example
- First and Last Name
- Company Name
- E-mail address
Review Documents
- Sunny Dhunnahas reviewed, cataloged, and distributed all engineering drawings as required.
Management Tasks and Judgment
- Sunny Dhunna has Identifiedand implemented efficient document management solutions based on project needs and in accordance with contractual requirements.
- Sunny Dhunna has exercised independent judgment in selecting and interpreting information, handling deviations from standard methods, and resolving difficulties.
- Sunny Dhunna has prioritized and managed multiple assignments while meeting the requirements of Service Level Agreements.
Improve Efficiency and Reduce Safety Hazards
- Sunny Dhunna has reduced the potential for safety hazards and accidents, improved efficiency in processes, and increased overall profits.
- Sunny Dhunna has created excel macro and database designs to improve the process and increase efficiency.
- Sunny Dhunna has performed project archiving and close-out activities for companies
- Sunny Dhunna has maintained SharePoint sites and FTP sites.
- Sunny Dhunna has Superseded the documents in past. A document/drawing is SUPERSEDED when the information on the entire document/drawing is not valid and is to be replaced with information on another document/drawing.
Sunny Dhunna has 13 plus years of experienceworking with VOID and OBSOLETE A document/drawing is VOID when the document/drawing information is no longer used, will not be replaced, and the document/drawing has been issued to the Company at least once for any purpose.
Documents that lost their relevance of any future use are called Obsolete unless they are cross-checked for any legal, fiscal, administrative, forensic, or historic checks are audit to see why was it obsolete
Sunny Dhunna has a full understanding of the Revision Status. Revisionand“IssueStatus” needtobeappliedtoanyfileordocumentationsubjectto continuous change, update, issue, review, and approval. Any change to a COMPANY Document Revision Number or Issue Status must be tracked through EDMS
IFI – Issued for Information
IFR- Issued for Review/Approval
IFU- Issued for Use
IFI – Issued for Information
IFR- Issued for Review/Approval
IFU- Issued for Use
Sunny Dhunna has implemented Signature System in Various Companies. Itisthe Contractor’sresponsibilitytofullyapplyitsinternalprocessofreviewandapprovalof documentspriortoissuancetoCOMPANY.Thedocumentshallclearlyidentifythenamesof the reviewers and approvers withinthe Contractor’s organization
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Weekdays 9:00 – 20:00
Friday 9:00 – 20:00
Saturday 9:00 – 20:00
Sunday Closed
- Vancouver, Canada